Empowering Lives through English Literacy

The Central Coast Literacy Council is a non-profit organization dedicated to
 tutoring individuals to read, write, speak and understand English.
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One-To-One Tutoring

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Rosetta Stone

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Community-Based Learning Centers

Why Literacy?

We believe that literacy is the gateway to happier lives and a more connected community. Numerous studies show that illiteracy in part can be the cause of increased crime, lost and low wages, unemployment and poor performing students. While we recognize that the CCLC will not eliminate illiteracy we will impact as many as we can and in doing so better our community. According to ProLiteracy.org, 36 million American adults need literacy help. The number of functionally illiterate individuals in Santa Barbara County is 76,000.
Covid-19 UPDATE
During the past few months, our Staff and Board Members have been working on a strategy to move our literacy services forward in creative ways during this pandemic. We are excited to announce that we are providing our services remotely as our office remains closed.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Laura (Santa Maria) (805) 441-0028 (cell), larteaga.cclc@gmail.com

Adriana (Lompoc) (805) 264-2193 (cell), agarcia.cclc@gmail.com

Thank you for your patience and dedication during these difficult times. We appreciate you and miss seeing you!

Workplace English Literacy Program

 The program is intended to improve the stability of the workforce in Northern Santa Barbara County by increasing the literacy skills of those employed or seeking employment. The goal is being achieved through partnerships with businesses and agencies that employ or serve those who will most benefit from improved literacy.
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Our 2019 Spelling Bee

We want to thank everyone who participated in this year's Spelling Bee. It was a huge success!

Let's Get in Touch!

We would like to hear from you.  Be sure to include the best time to contact you.

Central Coast Literacy Council 

 421 South McClelland Street
Santa Maria, CA 93454
(805) 925-0994 ext. 2837

Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Lompoc Literacy Program

501 E. North Ave.
Lompoc, CA 93436
(805) 875-8786

Monday 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.